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Bias in the Code - Roots and Solutions of Algorithmic Bias

In this article, our Associate Consultant Oleksandra Karpeko discusses the causes and solutions for algorithmic bias in AI, highlighting the role of historical data, design flaws, and the importance of ethical guidelines and regulatory measures like the GDPR and AI Act to ensure fairness.

EMPA-Consulting Group
02/05/2024 5:45 AM

Algorithmic bias represents a significant challenge in the deployment of artificial intelligence (AI) systems that influence many aspects of modern life. From hiring decisions and law enforcement to loan approvals and healthcare, biased algorithms can perpetuate and amplify societal inequalities. Understanding and addressing these biases is crucial to developing fair and equitable technology solutions.

Algorithmic Bias in Simple Words

Algorithmic bias occurs when an algorithm produces systematically prejudiced results due to incorrect assumptions in the machine learning process. It is often a reflection of historical data biases or flaws in the design and development of algorithmic systems.

Historical biases, like racial discrimination in housing loans or gender bias in employment, can seep into AI systems through biased data sets that train these technologies, perpetuating old prejudices in new formats.

For instance, facial recognition technology has shown higher error rates for women and people of color, impacting law enforcement and security practices. Similarly, job application algorithms have sometimes favored applicants from certain demographic backgrounds due to biased training data.

These biases can lead to a cycle of inequality, where underrepresented groups are continually marginalized, affecting their socio-economic opportunities and access to resources.

Sources of Algorithmic Bias

Biases can enter AI systems through the data used to train them. If the data reflects historical inequalities or lacks representation from diverse groups, the algorithm learns and perpetuates these biases.

The way algorithms are designed can also introduce bias. If the development team lacks diversity or if the design assumptions fail to account for variability among different groups, the resulting algorithms can operate unfairly.

How to Resolve Algorithmic Bias

Techniques such as algorithm auditing and bias testing are crucial for detecting biases. Tools like AI fairness metrics help quantify bias and inform adjustments needed to algorithms.

Incorporating diverse datasets and involving multidisciplinary teams in AI development can reduce the risk of bias. Adopting ethical AI guidelines and involving stakeholders from affected communities can also guide fairer algorithmic decisions.

Organizations like Google and IBM have implemented rigorous testing frameworks to identify and mitigate biases in their AI systems. These case studies demonstrate effective strategies for improving algorithm fairness, including ongoing monitoring and community engagement.

The Role of the AI Act and GDPR

The European Union has taken significant steps in addressing the complexities of algorithmic bias through regulatory measures such as the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the proposed Artificial Intelligence Act (AI Act).

The GDPR, in particular, enhances transparency by granting individuals the right to explanation when they are subject to decisions made by automated processes. This regulation is essential in ensuring that AI systems do not operate in a black box, requiring that their decisions be justifiable and understandable to those affected.

Building on the groundwork laid by the GDPR, the AI Act introduces specific provisions aimed at high-risk AI applications, categorizing AI systems by their potential impact on safety and fundamental rights. This act mandates compliance for AI systems used in critical areas such as employment and criminal justice, where biased algorithms could have severe repercussions. The AI Act will play a crucial role in shaping the development and deployment of AI technologies, ensuring they are used responsibly and ethically across the European Union.

Future Perspectives

Research in AI fairness is a very popular topic nowadays and there are many developing methodologies aimed at understanding and correcting biases. Particularly, innovations in explainable AI (XAI) also promise greater transparency in how algorithms make decisions.

XAI aims to shed light on the inner workings of AI models, making it easier for users to understand the reasoning behind automated decisions. These developments are extremely important for building trust and ensuring AI technologies are used responsibly and fairly.


Tackling algorithmic bias is crucial but achievable. By improving how we design and monitor AI, and by following strict rules like those in the GDPR and the proposed AI Act, we can make AI more fair. With ongoing research and new developments in technology that help explain how AI makes decisions, we're getting better at making sure AI systems are used responsibly and treat everyone fairly. This effort will help ensure that AI works for the benefit of all, making our reliance on technology safer and more just.

Best regards,

Oleksandra Karpeko

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