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Navigating the Data Maze: Relevance of Deletion Policies and Data Structuring

In this article, our Consultant Leonard Molina Bülow discusses the importance of organizing and selectively deleting company data. He explains how these actions can make businesses run smoother and stay in line with legal rules, while also protecting them from the risks of holding onto unnecessary information.

Leonard Molina Bülow
05/03/2024 5:45 AM

As a data consultant who delves into the intricacies of data structuring and deletion policies daily, I've seen the profound impact that well-organized data can have on a business's efficiency and compliance. Picture this: data as a colossal, ever-growing library. Without a librarian's careful cataloging and the periodic clearing of outdated or irrelevant publications, finding the book you need becomes a daunting task. That's the reality many businesses face with their digital data collections.

Why Prioritize Data Deletion?

Consider a deletion policy as the process of selecting books for the library's rare and valuable section. Some books are timeless, while others — well, they no longer serve the readers of today. Similarly, data that's meticulously retained can be a gold mine, but when hoarded indiscriminately, it becomes a liability. That's where a nuanced, strategically implemented deletion policy steps in — safeguarding against data risks and ensuring compliance with the alphabet soup of data protection regulations.

Demystifying Data Structuring

If a deletion policy is about deciding what stays and what goes, data structuring is about putting each 'book' in its right place on the shelf. It's about arranging data so that it makes sense for your business narrative. With data structured thoughtfully, companies can navigate their digital libraries with ease, enabling employees to find the 'books' they need without a hitch.

Integrating Deletion Policy with Data Structuring

Melding a deletion policy with data structuring is where we start to see operational alchemy. It’s about understanding the narrative arc of each piece of data — from its creation to its final act of deletion. Here’s how to craft this story:

  1. Audit Your Data: Start with a thorough audit to understand what data you have, where it resides, and its importance to your business operations.

  2. Categorize and Organize: Group your data based on its type, sensitivity, and regulatory retention requirements. This will form the foundation for both structuring and deletion.

  3. Craft Your Policy: Create a deletion policy that outlines clear criteria for data retention and deletion, tailored to each data category.

  4. Implement Structured Storage Solutions: Use structured storage solutions, such as DMS, to organize your data in a way that supports both efficient retrieval and compliance with your deletion policy.

  5. Automate Where Possible: Implement automation to handle repetitive tasks like data classification, retention tagging, and the deletion process itself.

  6. Train Your Team: Educate your team on the importance of data structuring and the rationale behind your deletion policy. Their adherence is crucial.

  7. Review and Revise Regularly: Both data structuring and deletion policies are not set-and-forget. Regular reviews ensure they evolve with your business and the regulatory landscape.


In the digital era, where data is both a valuable resource and a potential liability, mastering data structuring and deletion policies is not just good practice — it's a business imperative. By adopting smart data strategies, companies can navigate the data maze with confidence, knowing they are not only compliant but also primed to leverage their data for competitive advantage.

Best Regards,

Leonard Molina Bülow

Read on:
Data Management
Data Structuring
Data Deletion
Deletion Policy
Data Governance
Data Security
Data Retention
Data Strategy

Leonard Molina Bülow


EMPA-Consulting Group is a management consulting firm. We partner with clients to drive change that transforms their business and creates lasting value.

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EMPA - Data & Management Consulting GmbH








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